Thursday, July 11, 2013


Today was hot and felt like it lasted forever. Part of that may be due to the fact that when we got home from Fort Smith, I took a long nap and actually slept deep enough to dream. I'm not sure I'm even really doing that much at night due to the heat levels. Have I mentioned I hate summer? I hate summer.

Oh, and I had to go back and edit "Smith" in that last paragraph, because I totally wrote Fort Sith. Now I will forever make up jokes in my head about that. "I don't like to go to Fort Sith. I only go when Forced to." Okay, lame jokes. But I'm usually amused by my own lame jokes.

We've not been watching Big Brother, but that doesn't mean I'm not keeping track of what is happening. The girl who is turning out to be the heroine of the season was saved from eviction again, much to the dismay of the evil people. Normally I don't call the people on game shows evil, but these showtestants are evil. They really should just be taken out of the show.

CBS's bake off show ended and while I liked the show, I wasn't happy with who they chose as the winner. The guy who won broke a lot of rules and didn't seem to be all that great with what he did. The other two finalists won more contests over all than he did and tended to do better in most of the challenges. 

My roommate believes he won because they felt he was more marketable. He's probably right about this, but I must say that if that is true, it pisses me off. The winner of the contest should be the person who did the best, not the person you think can sell the most stuff later on. If that's the case, it should be called "most marketable baker." As it stands, I think they were wrong to gamble on him, as the other two finalists were far more personable than he was . . . and better bakers.   

Anyway, I'm off to bed. I need some sleep after my trip to Fort Sith  . . . and lack of sleep leads to the Dark Side.

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