Thursday, July 25, 2013

Game of Thrones 30 Day Challenge: Day 4

Day Four: Where in the Song of Ice and Fire world would you want to live?


Normally, I would never choose Dorne. It's hot as hell and there aren't that many resources. What parts of it aren't desert are rocky. It doesn't grow a whole lot and on a world where you can have summers that last ten years, yes, it certainly gets very, very hot. It would be difficult to withstand the climate.

That doesn't matter too much though, because it's also the most liberated place in the Seven Kingdoms. Women have rights there. They inherit based on their birth placement and not on their gender. They can take lovers and no one says much about it. They can have children without being married and no one bats an eye. It's common enough for them  to marry for love when they DO happen to get married.

I love these books, but women have very few places where they are treated socially and legally well. Dorne is about as close as you get to that, and being treated well would be my primary concern. Anywhere else in the world, so far as we have read about, my gender would greatly limit my options.

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