Saturday, July 13, 2013

Zimmerman Verdict

Zimmerman was found not guilty. It's one of those verdicts that was bound to cause emotions to run high in our country, no matter how it ended. Everyone is writing about it and tweeting about it . . . even me, of course. I didn't plan on it, but some of the comments I've seen tonight have been just horrible. One person said something about how upset Obama would be because the trial showed him how much we all hate him. Okay, what the hell? Another person wrote that Paula Deen should see this as a victory. Again .  . . what the hell?

In the wake of this tragedy, I think there are a lot of things that need to be addressed. Why is it okay for neighborhood watch people to be carrying guns? That is giving them a bit more power than I'm really comfortable with. You can't justify self defense here. There are other, less lethal things you can carry for self defense. And whatever happened to the rule of 'do not engage, just report?" No one should be allowed to take the law into their own hands like this. There are just too many things that can go wrong.

I would say I hope my country heals from this and finds a stronger unification, but I'm just not sure that can happen anymore. It seems like people want to emphasize our differences over and over again, siding with the people who look and act like we do and ignoring or suspecting the Others. At this point, I'm not even sure it can get better.

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