Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Knot So Great

As I don't want to just confine my knitting to less hot times of the year, I've started experimenting with knitted jewelry. There are many advantages to this for me. For one thing, because the projects are smaller and don't require large portions of knitted yarn to be covering me, I'm not getting hot while I work on it.  Because I'm fat, it's difficult to find jewelry that fits me, so making my own is actually about the best way for me to go.

Of course, I got ambitious and decided to do a Celtic knot necklace. I love Celtic knots AND the pattern was free. I basically required only a knitted icord and then the making of the knot itself. Icord is easy. Three stitches that basically anyone can do. I was very hopeful about the project while I was working on that part. For some reason, I kind of blocked the knot part out of my mind . . . which was fairly silly, as it was the part that attracted me to the project in the first place.

It wasn't until last night that I finally decided to try and do a practice run on the knot. I started it . . . I did some twists and thread throughs . . . and yarn basically fell away in my fingers. It just was not happening. I tried it again. And again. I looked up some terms. Nothing. I gave up due to tiredness and despair, vowing to tackle it again today.

With my roommate watching, I finally managed to do the knot this afternoon. It took several more tries and me looking at instructions one piece at a time over and over again. When it finally came together, I think every generation of my Celtic ancestors sang. At least, that's the way it felt to me.

I practiced it some more and tried it on my icord. I'm not sure that I completely like the size and may try a more complex knot tomorrow. My guess is that I'll either master this knot as well or end up tying my fingers together. Of course, if I do that, I'll have no more need of bracelets.

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