Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Dizzying Highs

A while back, a friend mentioned that someone had told him that the 40's are wonderful, because you have more common sense than you used to but still retain the energy to do something with this new wisdom. Everything past that is downhill. As I am approaching 40, I find the advice to be sound, even though I'm not sure about the energy levels. Granted, now that I'm losing weight, I have more energy than I used to, but I still have moments when things get sketchy.

Now that I'm older, I experience more intense sensations of blood loss during really bad moments of my period. When these happen, I have this strange sinking feeling, like the world is falling out from underneath me. Usually if I get some food into my system or rest for a bit, it's better. There have been a couple of times when it got really bad. One time I lost my balance and fell into the door.

This time of year is difficult on me because some of my meds cause heat sensitivity. When I get hot, I begin to feel the nausea and dizziness creeping in. Sometimes, even lowering my temp a point or two will make all the difference in  the world. I go from feeling like the world is sending shock waves into me to feeling like a human again. The heat isn't the only problem here either. I live in a very humid area and said humidity can do horrible things to people.

We turned the AC on tonight for like two hours because, while it wasn't technically that hot outside, the humidity was killing us both. I didn't even realize how bad it was until I walked across the room to close the curtains and felt a wave of nausea slam into my gut. It was horrible. I'm still not sure how I closed those curtains and then made it back to the chair without vomiting.

I keep reminding myself that each day that passes is one less day of summer. Soon it will be August and past that, we'll be headed towards the less evil seasons. Winter can be difficult around here, but at least my meds aren't making it worse with sickness. That's helpful.

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