Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oh My Darlin

Progress continues to be made with Clementine.  I sat on the porch with him today for a while. He came to me quicker than he had before. I got to pick him up a couple of times and kissed him. He didn't like the kisses too much, but he didn't claw me either. Actually, my roommate says he's never been clawed by Clem. Perhaps he doesn't know how. I should probably also mention that he doesn't smell that great, which is odd for a cat.

He's still very upset by unexpected noises. A loud truck drove by and he freaked a little. It seems to be a matter of suddenness though, because a couple of people walked by and he didn't get upset about that, even when the neighbor dogs started barking. I was surprised by that because I assumed he would be cautious around anyone coming too close. I also thought he would be upset by the dogs. I guess he's used to them by now and the people walking by weren't making much noise. So I guess as long as he has a chance to get used to the sound, he's okay with it.

After a while, my roommate joined us on the porch. Clem went over to him and let him pet him. He even permitted being held for a bit. He stays in my roommate's lap longer than he does in mine. Both of us being out there is a big step. We've tried that before and he was very uncomfortable. Two people seemed to confuse him and instead of dealing with one or the other of us, he just ran to the other side of the porch. But today, he was fine with it. Once my roommate put him down, Clem came back to me so I could scratch him on his head. He likes that a lot.

It's nice to have him in our lives. He seems happy to have a family and a home. He's not showing any kind of interest in coming inside and we don't know how long, if ever, it will take him to trust us enough for that to happen. Tinkerbell's been in for a few months now and she's still very mistrustful of me. Clem is so scared about almost everything that changing his environment like that might just cause the poor thing to have a heart attack.

For now though, I'm happy with all the steps forward we're getting.

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