Saturday, June 27, 2015

Family Values

The dust has settled somewhat about the marriage equality legalization. People are starting to make plans about their marriages, about supporting other people's marriages, and as usual, those against it are trying to worm things back to their way. They will do all they can to make this as unhappy for everyone as possible. I really don't see why. Some people just can't abide the contentment of others.

They try to do this by claiming to be 'pro-family,' all the while limiting what family means.  I read a post by a woman whose father had committed suicide when she was younger. He was a closeted gay man who felt life restricting him. She wrote about how she wished he could have lived to see the day when gay marriage would be legal. She wished he could have seen his grandchildren.

Another woman wrote how she was happy marriage was legal for everyone now, because when she had children, she didn't want them to grow up feeling their options were limited. If she had gay children, she wanted them to know that marriage was a path open to them, just like it would be to a straight child.

In other words,  people want to know that their family members won't feel marginalized. They want to know that their family members will be treated equally under the law and have the same chance at happiness as everyone else. For them,  this is about love and protection. This IS about family. It IS pro-family.

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