Friday, June 19, 2015

Happy Hysterversary

I remember blips about a year ago today. I remember riding in my uncle's car as we looked for the hospital (we somehow got turned around) and worrying that I would get there too late. I didn't, but it was certainly a worry. I was also worried that my stuff would go missing, but none of it did. It helped that getting to the floor where I needed to go was very easy. Just out of the car, up the elevator, and down a hallway. I kept repeating this to myself as I went.

Things happened quickly after I was inside. I only waited a bit before I was taken to a pre-op room. It was really nice though. The one I'd had in Fort Smith was open, with only curtains separating people. This was an actual, small little room. I answered questions and let them hook me to things. I think my IV was in by the second try, but it helped that I'd warned them I was a hard stick and they'd gotten one of their better people to do it.

It felt like the trip to the operating room  took forever. I remember going down tons of hallways and being very worried about things. I wasn't happy. I couldn't settle my mind. When I was finally in there, it was really cold, but I suppose they always are. I was transferred to the table without much trouble. I remember not liking one of the men in there or thinking he didn't like me, but I can't remember why. When the doctor came in, he introduced me to the robot as if we could be friends or something.

I was in hellish pain when I woke up. They'd had to do a blood gas, and that, honestly, was the most painful thing going on with me. That stung like the 7th ring of Hell. My belly felt huge, which of course it would have. They had to pump a lot of air into me. My head hurt and I needed ice so badly. They gave me my phone and I croaked to some people that I was alive. My uncle came in and that made it all so much better.

When I was finally taken to a room, the transfer to the bed hurt a lot. I knew I wasn't going to get comfortable until I had medication and I didn't. My sister-in-law arrived at some point and I encouraged my uncle to go to a cousin's house to sleep. He'd been awake for far too long.

Past that, I was given morphine and I don't remember much.

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