Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer Blah

I am SO tired today. Seriously, honestly tired. I know it's the heat, because I didn't do anything to warrant being tired, but still. It's there and it's profound and it's somewhat dominating my life. I've been drinking lots of liquid and keeping my stretches up in the morning, but it's not doing a lot of good. Then again, it's summer. Summer is hard.

I know it's not really THAT bad. Several summers ago, we had temps over 100 for weeks a time. This is mild compared to that. It's still not easy though. And I'm trying to do this while adjusting back to being on meds. The med situation was finally sorted out now that I have the new health care provider. I was off of some of them for quite a while though and my body isn't bouncing back  that easily.

Aside from being tired, my day was pretty simple. I'm happy for that.

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