Monday, June 29, 2015

Love, Life, and Facebook Games

I've written about Facebook games before and how there always tends to be a pattern with them. At first, there is the honeymoon phase, where you love the game SO MUCH and can't wait to get to play it. Then there is the point where it gets kind of challenging and you love it because you want to do so well at it because it's your favorite game. Then you learn to do it really well. There are a couple of days of victory where that is just wonderful. gets repetitive......then......boring. Then it feels like an obligation to keep playing it. Then you get so bored with it that it makes you ill just to think about playing it and you stop.

It's important to keep the nature of Facebook games in mind when you think about other people. We often chafe at the fact that those around us are being less than perfect. They're not making things easy on us. We focus on all the aspects of them that annoy us and wonder why the relationship is so hard.

What would it be like if everything was easy with this other person? Well, much like with the game, it would be great at first......then repetitive....then boring.....then sickeningly boring.

Now I'm not saying you should go out and pick some abusive person who is awful and scary. I'm not saying you should put yourself in a situation where you're scared to be in your own home.

What I am saying, however, is that quite often we ignore the people we're truly attracted to because they don't fit the mental list of traits we believe a lover HAS to have. Instead of going for the person we have real chemistry with, we go for the person who seems the closest we can get to perfect.

In light of the marriage equality happening, I would hope that all of us, no matter what our orientation, find it within ourselves to be braver. I hope that we all listen to what our bodies and souls are telling us about real attraction and go for the people we really WANT, not the ones who seem the most acceptable. It's time for everyone to choose the people who will challenge them and make that challenge worthwhile.

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