Saturday, August 8, 2015


A year ago today, I had an appointment with my doctor to talk about my progress post-hysterectomy. She'd seemed pleased with how things were going, more pleased than I was. She didn't think my issues were all that big of a deal. It's possible she was just blowing me off, given how things turned out with her, but at the time, I thought this was a good sign.

Two really significant things happened during this appointment. The first is that I confirmed I didn't have to go to the gynecologist to get my exams done. This made me so deeply happy because I did not like that woman. The second was that we decided I would not do hormone replacement therapy because I was still at risk for breast cancer. Instead, I would take Evening Primrose to deal with my menopausal issues.

A year later, I've had to fine a new doctor because mine is no longer in the area. As I wrote about before, this has been a difficult thing for me. She's been my doctor for a long time. However, given the fact that she moved and she'd had some issues with the people who handle some stuff for me, it made more practical sense for me to change.

I'm still on the Primrose. My menopause symptoms have eased. They still show up sometimes, but no where near as violently as they used to. I'm very happy about that and still very happy I don't have to see that gynecologist any more because I still don't like her. Seriously, even a year later, I can still remember the way the relief washed through my body whan I was told I wouldn't have to do exams with her. It was that bad.

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