Saturday, August 1, 2015

So Now that I'm 40

I slept again for the second night in a row. I may even be able to make it three. Past this, we may be headed back into hot weather for a few days, but some more storms are predicted past that, so maybe it will cool down again. If I've learned anything in my 40s, it's that sleep won't come every night, so just let that ride and get it when you can. Kind of like sex when you're younger!

We didn't have to turn on the AC again today, which is good because we got the bill in for last month and we used SO much more than last year. But like I blogged about before, there is not one damned thing I could have done about that. Learning to let go of things you can't control is another thing you really accept in your 40s. I think this has something to do with bladder issues.

So hey, in this many years, I've learned about two whole things. Impressive, isn't it? I would like to point out that ignorance is another thing you learn to accept. I used to feel so shameful about not knowing things. Now I'm accepting that there is a ton of stuff out there and I can't know all of it.

It's one of the reasons why I will tell people I don't really HAVE an opinion on certain issues because I am not well enough informed on the issue to MAKE an opinion. When I was younger, I wanted to look smart and would just spout off things. Now I'd rather BE smart and wait until I have some more of the facts. I would like to note I am not always that good at this one. Sometimes, it's easy to jump to conclusions.

Anyway, I know I'm not that far into my 40s yet. I'm sure by the end of them, assuming I'm still alive, I'll look back at 41 yr old BHB and think she was a fool. Until then though, these are the things I know.

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