Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I find the whole Ashley Madison hack to be really disturbing. For those of you who don't know, Ashley Madison is a website where married people can find other married people to cheat with. The site was hacked and threatened. They said that if the site wasn't taken down, they would release everyone's information and dox all the emails.

Let's break this down. This wasn't a political site where politicians were messing with people. This wasn't a site where pedophiles were trading children. And while adultery isn't everyone's cup of tea, it isn't illegal.  The hacking of the site WAS illegal and doxing everyone was illegal. Causing this much chaos and disruption in people's lives is just as immoral as one might view cheating. Ruining people's lives and destroying their privacy over something like cheating is wrong.

When did this become what hackers do? This is petty. This is squirmy. This large scale Gladys Kravitz and nothing more than that. This is no moral crusade. This is no justifiable act. This is just a shitty, awful thing to do to people. I'm sure the people who did this are proud of themselves. Gladys Kravitz was proud of her shit too.

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