Thursday, August 27, 2015

Unhelpful Advice

People, especially religious people, seem to be scrambling for ways to make some sense out of all the adultery it seems married folk have been doing. Mostly, this seems to involve writing a lot of articles about ways to keep everyone faithful. Oddly, most of these articles don't address communication or discussing why the passion is waning or ways the people within the relationship can jumpstart their sex lives. Mostly, it's about Temptation and the way they write about it, the word should be followed by ominous piano chords or thunder.

Usually, the ways they want people to avoid Temptation (cue ominousness) involve making things weird and awkward for people outside of the marriage, like friends, coworkers, and basically anyone else of the opposite sex ever. Don't eat lunch with opposite sex coworkers! Don't volunteer with parents of the opposite sex! Don't join groups if you know you might have to talk to people who aren't of your own gender!

I could say a lot about this, but I'll stick with two points.

First of all, the only way this would be possible is we go back to a culture where we mostly keep the genders separated. A lot of these religious types would like this. They don't want women working. They don't want men volunteering for things they view as 'women's causes' like PTA. They want women to stay in the home. If they are in public, it should be in spaces where they're just around other women, like the supermarket or the hair salon. Men should be in men's spaces, like jobs that make money or the deer woods.

With this in mind, it's clear to see that the 'suggestions' made in advice articles like this are designed to further their gender agenda (see what I did there?!!) and less about actually finding ways to keep couples from cheating.

Second of all, what in the name of all that is sacred makes these people think everyone who is heterosexual is interested in having sex with EVERYONE ELSE who is also heterosexual? Do they really believe people have such little control? Do they really believe people have no taste or common decency? If you want to boink everyone you meet just because they have the opposite plumbing I think you may have some pretty deep issues going on and some serious lack of respect for other people.  Oh, and even if you DO want to do that, why would you think they do?

Do people honestly think that way? Ick.

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