Monday, January 18, 2016

Battered and Budgets

I know you're getting sick of reading this, but yes, eating is still a painful thing. I had some peanuts. They were easier and the salt helped my throat. Well, okay, it's helping to cure it in the animal skin sense. I'll take what I can get. Therapy was canceled today and that's probably a good thing because I really did not feel up to going. I feel like a rag doll that someone tied to the back of a truck.

Therapy has been on my mind a lot today. Because my state is run by brain-dead howler monkeys, our budget is severely screwed up. It's possible they may cut funding for mental health programs, including private practices. A lot of the therapists in the state depend on this program to keep their businesses going. This could harm a lot of people.

Honestly, there should be a state law that if the government leaders screw up the budget, their pay should be the first thing that's cut. That seems fair. After all, they're the ones who did this.

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