Friday, January 8, 2016

The Opposite of Ambient Noise

One nice thing about the winter months is that the fans are no longer in use. This creates wonderful moments of stillness and silence in the house. As I grow older, I have come to love the quiet. I find silence to be a beautiful thing. Of course, cats have a charming way of ruining that.

It isn't that the cats aren't loud during the summer. They're always loud. In the winter, without the noise from the fans, their howling, running, and hellraising disrupts any chances of peaceful nights of sleep. I love the cats, but this gets really old.

I do my best to ignore them. I do keep one fan running at night. If that fails, I try to coax the cat into bed so I can pet it enough to get it back to sleep. If that fails (which it usually does), I do my best to just cover my ears. I know their noises. I know when they're in pain and when they're just howling to be howling. Pain is rare for them. Howling seems to be their basic religion.

Maybe they'll be quiet tonight.

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