Saturday, January 9, 2016


I really loath having sinus infections. My ears feel raw inside and my throat is swollen. The later it gets in the day, the more trouble I have with swallowing. This is making sleep kind of complicated. I really hope it settles down soon.

We're dropping into the teens tonight for the first time this winter. I would love it to be the only time this happens, but I doubt I'll get my way. We didn't get any snow today, but towns around us did. I'm glad I have more blankets on the bed now. When I redid things in there, more blankets were part of what happened.

There are a lot of topics I have considered writing about, but I've stopped myself. There is a lot of violence happening to women, specifically because they are women, and very little justice is being done. Not that it really makes a difference. Justice never makes the pain go away. It can't. The only thing that would really help would be for us to teach people to keep their hands to themselves. I suppose that's too much to ask.

I hope I heal from the illness soon. It's really starting to drain me.

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