Saturday, January 2, 2016

Winter is NOT Coming for a While

The first thing I saw this morning was an announcement that GRRM had some news about when the new book would be out. And guess what? It isn't good. Sigh. Oh well, we'll probably be waiting another year or so. He has a lot of characters and a lot of ground to cover, so I guess this isn't that surprising. It was disappointing because I kind of thought it was already to the publisher by now. It's not. The first draft isn't even finished. He'll have to do that then some edits. There is no way it will be out any time soon.

This means that the show is certainly going to bypass the books. The show has changed a lot of stuff, so I don't think that, in most cases, this will cause it to be a massive spoiler of what will happen in the books. In other cases, it most certainly will spoil things. I'm not too upset about that because I have no problem with spoilers. A lot of other people may opt to not finish the show until the books are out.

Finishing the show in its own special way is better than creating massive filler arcs though. Some anime shows I used to watch would do that and it was always pretty awful. Better to just let the show go in its own direction. After all, sometimes plots work great in a book but not so well as a TV show.

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