Saturday, January 16, 2016

Drained and Dreading

I had a slightly better appetite today. This was both good and bad. It was good because I really honestly did need to be eating and tasting my food better. Bad because it still hurts to eat. My throat, teeth, and ears are all making food a bit torturous.  The problem with getting over any kind of illness is that even during recovery, you still have to deal with the damage it's done to you.

The meds should start working soon. This is the most hell I've felt like in a long time. Even though I got better during Christmas, I've technically been sick, off and on, since a couple of weeks before Christmas. I don't believe it's been the same, continuous thing. It's been a series of little annoying sicknesses. However, all of it is starting to take a pretty serious dip into my supply of spoons.

When you're sick like this, sleeping isn't exactly your friend because there are too many elements you can't really control, like how you're breathing or what level of humidity is happening. I've been waking up feeling horrible. Usually after just ten minutes or so of being able to control what's going on, I feel far better.  The waking up bit can be so painful and scary that I've started dreading sleep. I know I shouldn't, but the lack of control is getting to me.

Anyway, I'll do my best to rest up tomorrow. The next three days after that will be busy and tiring. Hopefully by the time they happen, I'll feel better and can manage to push through them.

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