Thursday, May 12, 2016

House Drama Part II

Progress has been made. We went to Lowe's today and bought the stuff we needed. My roommate realized we really didn't need a light on the fan in the kitchen because we have two decent lights in there already. This saved us some money on one of the fans. He was also able to solve an issue we had with the other lights by purchasing one for the living room that could have the lightbulbs changed without requiring the whole fixture to be taken off. YAY!

When our usual Ol Boy wasn't available, we both reached out to contacts in town to see if they knew anyone. His panned out. We now have a new Ol Boy showing up tomorrow to install the fans.

After getting the fans into the house, he brought out my rolly chair I use to help me with tasks. It's a cheap computer chair with no arms. Fat people hates arms on chairs. Anyway, I got the cement pavers out of the van while he got rid of the stoop. It was honestly a lot worse than we thought it was. Most of the bottom had rotted out. As he took it away, pieces kept falling off of it. We're lucky neither of us broke our legs on the thing.

When he was finished with that, he set the pavers in place. They're slightly shorter than the stoop, but I'll gladly trade that for the fact that they're completely solid. If they don't work out, I'm guessing it will because they weren't installed onto a completely flat surface. The concrete under them has a layer missing in a couple of places. If they start to wiggle around or cause other problems, we'll probably have to have someone smooth that out for us and set them. We'll see. Hopefully, that won't be a problem.

For now I'm going to assume it won't be and just be happy that one problem was solved.

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