Friday, May 27, 2016

The Knowledge Spreads

I know I've talked a lot about how much I admire the yarn community and their efforts to improve the craft. Tonight I read someone else's praise and it just filled me with the happies. It's so neat to read other people finding the same joy.

In this case, it was over a technique called German Short Row as an alternative to Wrap and Turn. After reading what she wrote, I watched some videos and found it to be helpful as well. I felt the same sense of excitement I always feel when I find these things.

There is something amazing about being part of a craft where people are learning and sharing things every day. And yes, I realize this technique is probably old hat for some, but for those of us who are just now finding it and passing it on to others . . . ahh, how great that is.

On a side note, the woman doing this video was a Mormon. I love Mormon crafters. They usually have wonderful speaking voices and say the most adorable things. This one said, "I know this part looks wonky, but trust in the Lord and keep knitting." I couldn't help but smile. I wanted to buy her a t-shirt that said that.

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