Friday, July 8, 2016


I woke up this morning to a Facebook feed of anger and confusion. People are taking sides and screaming at each other. The very few rays of sunshine are mostly opting to step away from social media for a while because things are just too chaotic and dire.

I'm not going to presume I have answers. I'm not going to presume I know how the people who are more closely involved in this feel. Hell, I'm having trouble putting into words how I even feel about all of this. At the most basic of emotions, I just feel scared and sad and sick.

It used to be that when national tragedies happened, we had a grieving period, a time when we could focus on that specific instance and find a way to come to terms with it. Lately, so much violence is happening that the tragedies just bleed into each other. It's becoming our everyday situation. People can't live like this.

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