Thursday, July 28, 2016

More Broken Foundations

My roommate told me that Sesame Street is moving to HBO because, quite honestly, that's the only way to save the show at this point. Despite efforts by donors and selling toys based on characters, the level of cuts done to PBS has finally brought this show to its knees.

As a society, we seem hellbent on removing all aspects of the common good. We seem hellbent on making it to where only the rich and the privileged have access to education. I see Libertarians talking about how government shouldn't be involved in education, but if not, then how many children are they dooming to no or substandard education because their parents don't care or have agendas that involve keeping their children ignorant of certain basic facts?

Even  the most neglectful of parents could still turn on  the TV and put their kids in front of it to watch Sesame Street. Even if that neglectful parent never taught their kids anything before starting kindergarten, at least if they watched Sesame Street, they stood a chance of knowing their ABCs, etc.

But no more. Now that neglectful parent would have to remember to pay for HBO. Doubt that's happening.

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