Wednesday, July 27, 2016


After months and months of circus and annoyance, we have our two major party candidates for president. In a lot of ways, they're more alike than they are different. Both have flip-flopped on issues. Both are very polarizing. Both have been in the public eye for many years. I suppose that third thing has a lot to do with why the first two are true.  Both are also very ambitious, but I suppose one has to be to run for president. While both of them are the choice of their parties, many within the party disliked this choice and were more vocal about it than anyone has been in years.

Either is a candidate I would have wanted. Both of them have a lot of baggage and I don't think that's a good thing for someone who is going to be president. I think a president, above all else, should be there to inspire and unite. With these two, there is so much hatred that it will make getting things accomplished very difficult.

I think it's of note that a woman has been nominated for president in my lifetime. Some people are trying to diminish this fact, but I won't. No matter how one views Clinton, or the presidency, the fact that a woman has been nominated is very uplifting. I hope one day that it isn't. I hope one day that women being nominated for things or given movie roles or book deals is just so commonplace that we don't have to feel things about it. We're not there yet. Hopefully soon.

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