Monday, July 11, 2016

Yeah It's Monday

I don't intend to keep posting in the middle of the day, but things keep exasperating me in  the middle of the day. This morning when we left to go shopping, my roommate noticed that his car's tire was low. He took that car down to the shop while I ran one of the side errands that we needed to do. It was in the opposite direction of everything else, so running it wasn't a big deal.

I picked him up at the mechanic's shop and we went to Walmart. Walmart was crowded, but not really that bad (for Walmart). When he was finished with the groceries, I called the mechanic and they said the car was ready. Mysterious leak. They had no idea why. They aired it up and it was waiting for us.

Everything seemed fine. I started the van . . . or rather, I tried to start the van. It kept making a mocking click noise at me, but no starting. So after a few minutes of this (and despair) reality sank in and I called the mechanic again to tell him that yes, indeed, MY car was now not working.


Anyway, of course, as we were shopping, we had frozen things in the trunk. We sweated out the time for them to show up and help. I tried to make some calls to other people who could maybe get there faster. No one could. Finally, the mechanic showed up and jumped us. We took the van to the shop and drove the car home.

So an hour later, I was out the money it costs for a new battery and the labor to install it. We stop by the mailbox place on our way back to the mechanic. Main includes two items that require two more errands.

Including another errand on the opposite side of town . . . . you know, because of course it did.

Anyway, but by around one, we were finally home. New battery. Errands ran. Aired up tires.

And yes, I am perfectly well aware of all the good things that happened here. I know I'm very VERY lucky that I have a mechanic I can trust who does good work for us. I know I am lucky to have a roommate who can help keep things moving during situations like this. The people I called for help eventually called me back and WOULD have helped if no one else would have been there.

Still though,  that is a lot of annoying for one morning. I'm going to go nap now.

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