Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday Musings

I'm blogging early again because it's hot and awful. Tonight it will probably be humid and awful and I'll feel less like blogging than I do now. Weather like this does weird things to my fingers. They feel heavy and odd.

Overall, aside from the heat, this has been a good day. I've met the goals I wanted to meet. No one fell when we brought food into the house. I'm going to be thankful for these things.

My sister-in-law posted an article about addiction and having compassion for people who are struggling. The article emphasized the fact that most addicts continue to use, even despite the awfulness of it, because using is less painful than not using. Depression and anxiety play a large role in why people opt for self-destruction?

Do I believe this is true? Certainly. I know meeting my own health goals are easier when my mental state is positive. Then again, perhaps my mental state is more positive because I've been meeting my goals? Ahh, the complexities of being human.

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