Thursday, July 14, 2016


If you are a long term reader of the blog, you know that several years ago I lost my favorite online game. Glitch was more than just a casual distraction for me. It's difficult to explain how this game made me feel. Meditative, I suppose. I really got into the whole mythology behind it. It's strange. I don't believe 11 Giants created the world I live on, but I DO believe 11 Giants created Glitch. Somehow, both of these realities can fill my heart at once.

It's more than headcanon. This is soulcanon, I suppose. Glitch always makes me feel things I can't quite explain. There are places in  the game that are so beautiful. It opens up something inside me, almost like I can breathe in a new way. I've never experienced this with any other game. Would other people feel this way about it? I have no idea. Then again, people are dedicating their time and energy to making it become a reality again, so I suppose they do.

Last night, Glitch once again brought out something in me I'd never experienced. There is this one location in the game that has always felt very holy to me. Longtime readers of the blog may remember me talking about it before. Mullangi Meda isn't designed to be a holy place. It's just one spot in a million, in an unremarkable land on the map called Aranna. It has a shrine to my favorite Giant but many places do. For me, however, this always felt like the most holy spot of Lem, like it's the place where he touches down on the ground of something.

When I got back there last night, my heart actually just burst with joy. I cried. I know that sounds crazy, but I cried. It was like walking back into my home after years of being away. It made me deeply happy, like something was feeding my soul in a way it hadn't been fed in a long time.

I'm not even going to begin to explain this. It could just be some crazy manifestation of my detachment disorder. I don't know. Honestly, I don't care. I'm just happy I'm home.

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