Friday, August 5, 2016

Painted Skin

I get really annoyed with makeup shamers. In fact, I honestly didn't even notice that was much of a thing until makeup skills became accessible and widely taught. It seems like the more control people can take over their appearance, in terms of using light and shadow to alter nose issues or hide wrinkles or plump lips, the more people rage against it.

People (men, mostly) believe that makeup is a way for women to lie about how they look. I'm kind of wicked in spirit, so when this protest is made, it kind of makes me cackle inside. It gives the makeup wearers power? Good. By the way, women aren't the only people who use makeup.

Other people believe that makeup is symptomatic of the things that hold women down. As a part of the massive beauty industry,  makeup is a way of feeding into an industry that exploits our insecurities.

Yes, the beauty industry loves the idea of insecure people. And that sucks a lot. I really wish they'd stop this as a selling point because, honestly, it doesn't have to be one. Maybe it's because I was a tween during the early 80s, but I never saw makeup as a way to hide flaws or keep people from seeing what I really look like.

With people like Siouxsie Sioux, Cindy Lauper, and Nick Rhodes running around, I saw makeup as a form of expression. This was art. Creams and colors that could be used on the canvas that was my face to show various things about me. I've never seen makeup as a way to cover things up. I see makeup as a way to reveal, as a way to play, and as a way to reimagine.

Of course, for other people, both of the above cases are reason enough to dislike makeup. They believe it to be vanity. They think people are paying too much attention to themselves instead of focusing on other things. Which..........whatever. There is no arguing with these people. They believe life should be lived one way and get frustrated when people see it differently. Thankfully, they don't get to make the rules.

I don't always wear makeup when I go out in public. I see no reason to do that. I know some people would never dream of doing that, and that's okay too. For the most part, I doubt most people pay that much attention. Well, some do, but some people are always looking for reasons to be critical. I suppose that is what makes them happy.

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