Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Throwing Tomatoes

My roommate and I talked about this tonight and later I found an article on it. It seems a group is trying to petition Rotten Tomatoes to, I guess, go away, because they are upset they give DC films worse reviews than Marvel films. This group believes Rotten Tomatoes is being paid by the people who own Marvel to help destroy DC.

There is so much to unpack here.

First of all, the people who write reviews at Rotten Tomatoes aren't really paid by anyone. Most of the reviewers are just people who enjoy reviewing movies. Second of all, Rotten Tomatoes is partially owned by Warner Brothers which also owns DC. I really don't think they would pay people to destroy their own movies.

Most importantly, along with the many, many other things we should teach people in school, we need to teach them that it is OKAY for others to like and/or dislike things in a way that disagrees how we feel about them. Just because you like a thing doesn't mean other people will. Just because you dislike a thing doesn't mean other people will also dislike it. Everyone having different tastes and ideas is part of life.

We also need to get past this idea that if something makes us mad, we have full right to destroy it. Whatever happened to 'live and let live?' There are plenty of websites out there that I don't like. I don't try to shut them down. I just don't go to them. Why is that so hard? Why can't people just walk away from the places that offend them and go do things that make them happy?


Anyway, I hope everyone has a good day.

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