Saturday, August 6, 2016

Purpose and Repurpose

I'm really bad about wearing clothes until they fall off my body. Clothes are expensive and I'm difficult to size. When I find an item of clothing I like, I'll keep it around until the bitter end. Then it usually goes through a series of various other lives.

When clothing gets too worn out to wear out in public, I usually turn it into casual 'around the house' clothes. This is never really a problem because nothing I buy is ever all that fancy in the first place. In fact, the only fancy shirt I have is one I asked for as a gift. And even it isn't THAT fancy (just fancy for me). Pants usually get cut down into shorts. Shirts often become sleeveless summer gear.

Recently some items became so worn out that they couldn't even be play clothes anymore. I found the ones that were the least functional and most full of holes and decided to give them a new purpose. From now on, they would be cleaning rags.

Cutting things into cleaning rags is about the limit of my scissoring skills. I learned to use scissors as a toddler and, as far as I can tell, have gotten no better with them since then. I watch people on Project Runway rip fabric apart and end up with this perfectly straight line. I can go slowly on RIBBED fabric that has a line for me to follow and STILL end up with jagged edges.

I did the best I could. Now we have more rags and I have fewer screwed up items of clothing. It's all for the good.

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