Monday, October 10, 2016

Evil Cold Water

We've more or less learned to adapt to microwaving water before we wash dishes. We've always been good at cooking things that don't require the stove. Summer is so hot that using the big oven is often impossible. It can heat the whole house.

What is difficult to get used to is the cold shower. When summer is being intolerable, I'll take showers with no hot water, but that isn't exactly the same thing. When the temp is in the l00s, absence of hot does not equal cold. Those showers are usually a tolerable lukewarm to, if I'm lucky, a relieving 'kind of cool and refreshing.' As muggy as the bathroom stays and as hot as the pipes get, the summer showers are never anywhere near cold.

But it is no longer summer. It's autumn now and taking a shower with no hot water really sucks. I have discovered my voice can do a whole range of involuntary noises to express my discomfort over these showers. As the torturous sprays of water touch each part of my body, new noises fly from my mouth. My shoulders contort. My body does its best to pull away.

As the showers continue, I always try to believe that my body will grow used to the cold water and I'll find a kind of contentment in what is happening. This never happens. I always leave the shower just as unhappy as I began it. I'm cleaner but just as unhappy. By the time I get into my bedroom, I have to sit under a blanket and shiver the bitterness out of me. I mean bitterness in every sense of the word.

Those plumbers need to get this mess fixed.

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