Friday, October 28, 2016

Questing for Better

I'm still somewhat sick. My roommate is sick. We're both really tired and the house/cats continue to task us. The internet was out for many hours. We had an extra errand today because of the bank. Shopping was difficult. The cats are reaching the stage of life where they make a lot of messes. I mean, more so than they usually do as cats.

This isn't random bitchery. Things are tough right now. I don't want to be someone who just lives in her misery. The problems need solutions and I need to come up with them.

We never have much money, but now even the small bit we have to work with is waning. There is yard work to be done that is basically beyond our capacity to do. I mean, it will get done. We have to do it, but it takes a toll. The house is a mess and neither of us feel like cleaning it.

Right now, it just all feels like too much. I need to come up with some solutions and the usual ones won't work. I need to find ways to make things better, because as I said a few nights ago, I need things to be better. The spoons are in short supply.

Understand,  this isn't a declaration of me throwing in the towel. This is a declaration of me realizing I need to get creative about how things can get handled. I don't know what that will be yet, but I'll figure out something.

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