Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Observations

Another Easter has come and gone. I got to spend the day looking at people's family photos on Facebook.  I know this annoys a lot of other people, but I always find it nice.  For some reason, I really love looking at people's holiday pictures. It gives me warm fuzzies inside.

Maybe it's because, for the most part, I have very few of those.  There are a couple of Easter pictures here and there and maybe some Christmas ones.  However, most of them either died in a fire or were never taken in the first place. My family was never big on documenting itself.

This isn't to say Easter was without its annoyances. On Facebook, you always have those who have to act like it's their special duty to point out any slights of mishaps that mar their pure and perfect religious experience. I'm sorry, but if you don't want paganism creeping into your holiday, it's best not to transplant your holiday onto that of an already existing pagan holiday. That's kind of like setting your sweater down on a pile of cat hair and then complaining because your sweater is covered in cat hair.  If you put one on top of the other, there is always going to be some transference.

 While we're at it, if your kid is participating in an egg hunt, please remember you are an adult and not allowed to cross over into the egg hunting grounds.  You're also not allowed to bully other little kids away from eggs so your child can get the egg.  You certainly aren't allowed to physically harm other kids in the process. People used to bitch about the "everyone gets a trophy" parents.  Those people are nothing compared to the "my precious little beloved moppet should be the ONLY ONE allowed to get trophies. Here let me make sure they do" parents.

While we're on the topic of egg hunts, if there isn't one in your area, don't go to someone else's area and crash their hunt.  Even hunts that are open to the public have only planned to handle a certain number of visitors. With budget constraints, they really can't handle a lot of unexpected people. The best thing to do if there isn't an egg hunt in your area is to get together with those who run your community and organize one.  That way you're not burdening another place.

Yes, interestingly enough, it tends to be crazyass adults who screw up most holidays now. They get greedy for their kids, lazy about organizing things, or just want to call attention to themselves by bemoaning the fact that everyone else isn't fully and completely validating their belief system. I don't think we should let these people ruin things for us.  Holidays are to be celebrated.  Best to just focus on the brightly colored eggs and candy. Otherwise, the bastards will drive you crazy.

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