Friday, April 27, 2012

I Suppose I Should be Grateful for the Challenges

My beloved computer Bea is having some kind of issue.  She needs a part replaced and because she is a slimmer computer, Best Buy doesn't carry the part (at least, not in our area). However, my roommate is a shopping god, so he was able to find the part and get it shipped out today. With any luck, Bea won't be ill for long.

This has been one of those weeks where every effort TOWARDS the goals is met with a whole lot of hell. For instance, as fleas have decided to grace us with their horrid little existence, we've been on the warpath to destroy them. This involves a lot of vacuuming, putting stuff in the yard, and lavender. Unfortunately, it also involves dealing with the cats.

One would think that as much as the cats hate the fleas, they would be grateful to have us working on them.  Not the case. Not at all. The cats hate the flea combs and wiggle and protest during the whole process. This is only compounded when we have to spray them with the water and vinegar mixture. It's not like we want to use that, but it helps to sooth their cuts and the fleas hate it.

However, if you have trained your cats to hate spray bottles, then using one on them for medical purposes becomes quite challenging. And painful. I currently have several cuts from the Spray Bottle Wars, including one across my left breast. I think the cat was trying to remove it for me. The most painful cut is on my thumb.  It's deep and located right where my thumb hits keys while I type.

For the last ten days or so, I've been walking during the afternoon.  Not very far, of course, but it's a start.  I've also gotten back into the routine of my other exercise. It's been great until today when I woke up with a lot of pain on the outside of right leg.  It runs from just below my hip to just past my knee.  It doesn't  hurt constantly, just when I sit or stand. When I do these things, however, it hurts like a bastard. Hopefully sleep will make it go away.

Despite the setbacks, I'm going to keep on towards my goals. I talk a lot about being positive and, yeah, I get that it's really damned hard sometimes. Right now, it's pretty hard for me because things kind of suck.  However, I know most of this stuff is just temporary.  Fleas will be conquered. Pain will go away. Computers can be fixed. In the process though, it's rough. I'll figure it out though. I always do.

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