Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Sinus Hell

I have this horrible headache and this won't be a long post. Despite my best efforts, my sinus issues are kicking me in painful and abusive ways. I have a low grade fever and swelling around my ears. I hate that so much. As it stands, no amount of pressure point rubbing will help.

I'm honestly having trouble even focusing at this point. It's really not a pain thing so much as a pressure one. So yes, the pressure is getting to me. Hah! It's making my head and my joints throb. Fucking sinus evil.

I have such a love/hate relationship with Spring. I adore the flowers and the green. I like the gentle afternoon storms and the happy new little birds.  And I despise the birds that build nests in my walls, the scaryass tornadoes, and the constant barrage of pollen sticking to everything in my life.

So yes, this all for the post tonight. Better things to follow during the week.

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