Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Terrible Tuesday

My day sucked balls . . . deflated balls! I have this exercise ball. Oh, as a side note, if you a heavy person who wants to work out, exercise balls are great.  They help to minimize pain while giving you support. And if you shop around, you can get really strong ones.  Some of them can support up to 2000 lbs.

The ball could support my fat ass . . . unfortunately, it couldn't support cat claws. Rhiannon, as is her way, decided to hop on the ball and dig her claws in!  We thought we got her off of it before any real damage could happen. We were wrong. My poor ball is dying a death of no air.  Goodbye, my darling ball. I had a lot of fun gyrating on you. I'll miss that.

The ball situation was annoying and really more than I wanted to deal with. However the car, bless her little heart, decided to test the limits of my brain and fuck up as well. The car has a new battery, so we're thinking something else godawful expensive that has to happen before the car can start. Dammit. I really hate it when we have to spend money on the car because it takes away from the potential pool of funds needed to cover whatever bullshit problems the van decides to have.

On the plus side, I got to see my brother's wife and kids today. Many gifts were given to them. I also got to make some decisions about my future.  I'm also thankful I have a very supportive roommate.  He calms me down when I freak the hell out and takes my plans seriously.  That's good to have. I feel quite blessed.

So yes, the day sucked, but like any day, it didn't suck completely.  Tomorrow we get to push the car again. Yay. Do you see the sarcasm and spite in that yay? Good.

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