Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Minor Chaos for Better Living

I decided it was time for me to change the header for the blog. It's been a while since I did that and the one I had before, while something I did myself, still relied heavily on Gimp brushes.  The new one was done completely with MSPaint and in under 15 minutes. I kind of hearts it.

I've decided that April will be a Month of Random for me. I may not always post on the blog what randomness I'm doing (kind of defeats the purpose) but trust, it will be happening. I think sometimes we all need more randomness in our lives. I think we need to take action, without planning, thought, or consequence, and just let everything fall as it will.

Does this kind of contradict prior posts about proper planning and being rational and logical? Maybe.  However, while I still do embrace the rational plan, I also know that, to a very large extent, circumstances have pushed me into a place where I fear the random, the spontaneous, and all forms of change.  I really do not wish to be that person.

Though I have to admit the random thing we did today kind of backfired on us.  We've needed to do some banking stuff for a while, but put it off because . . . well, a lot of reasons, really. Today though, with my new found desire for randomness, I suggested we go ahead and do the bank stuff.  I felt this rush of elation because suddenly, out of the blue, the situation would be resolved.

The problem was, I made this suggestion about half an hour before the bank closed.  We got in and took care of the business, but not without some stinkeye given our way from the bank peoples. Oh well. What to you expect, honestly?  Banks close too early anyway.

So anyway, yes, my minor chaos is just causing a small bit of alterations in the way I'm living.  Situations will be better suited to my needs. New colors will be there for me to enjoy. Certain problems, like the banking stuff,  won't be hanging over my head.  For all of this, I am thankful.

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