Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fake White Fur of Evil

When my grandmother passed, she left a lot random pieces of material. One of them is a white section of fake fur. It serves no real purpose and I can't imagine what Gran planned on using it for.  Still, there it was, in  the house. I decided it would be great for the cats.

My cats HATE this piece of fake white fur. Hate hate hate! They will not sit on it. They will not go near it. They will not even touch it if they don't have to. They look at it with suspicion and will go out of their way to not even walk near it. I'm not really sure why they're doing this. Maybe they think it's the undead pelt from some evil soulless animal? Maybe they think it has fleas? Maybe they just have no idea what the hell it is and really can't wrap their little kitty brains around it?

I thought maybe it was just the catweirdness from the ones we've had for years now. After all, they do pick up a lot of habits from each other. I think they pass crazy back and forth like it's some kind of flu.  I'm always amazed at the habits cats will pick up from each other. Though rarely have those habits been practical, helpful, or good.

When my roommate was pulling out the winter blankets, the piece of white fur was in the blanket chest with the rest of them. As Tinkerbell is new to the inside, I thought that maybe she would react differently to it. After all, she was raised outside and hasn't picked up the other cats' habits.

She's been venturing into the living room more often. Her favorite place to sit is this printer desk I've had for ages. It's kind of out of the way. It's good for her because she can sit in the room with us and watch us, all the while pretending like she's not. The table is kind of cold though, so we decided to put the white fake fur on it.

An hour or so after we did this, she ran into the living room and started her usual jump up to the table. At the last second, she saw the fake white fur and flipped her whole body around so she wouldn't jump on it. Then she ran, RAN,  to the other room and peered out of the door at the fur.

My roommate thought maybe she was just surprised by it being there. He picked her up, carried her to the table, and sat her down on the fur.

I honestly think he would have had an easier time sitting her onto hot coals. Tink jumped up onto the bill collector we keep on the desk and dug her claws into it so she didn't have to touch the fake fur. She refused to let go of it until the fur was removed, and even then she gave us the stink eye for the rest of the night.

So whatever is going on with this piece of fake fur is clearly more than some lore made up by our inside cats. Tink doesn't like it either, and she's normally a fairly fierce little kitty. I'm wondering if I should get an old priest and a young priest to look at the fake fur. Or maybe doing a ritual to ward off evil spirits from it. Or maybe just wash it again. I'm really not sure.

Maybe I should just turn it into a tacky purse.

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