Tuesday, November 26, 2013

More Downsizing

A while back, I mentioned that new pants had to be purchased,  ones that are a size down from the pants I have worn for many years now. This was a bit of an ordeal because money wasn't really available for new pants, especially when shipping costs were involved. My roommate is astoundingly good at finding bargains and free shipping, so after a while, three pair of the next size down were ordered.

The first pair that came in were an oddball pair he found for next to nothing. They are bright red, which is probably one of the reasons they're so cheap. When I opened the package, I realized there was perhaps another reason. They are leggings.

There are fat girls out there who are clearly fine with leggings. I'm not one of them. I don't think everyone needs to see the exact shape of my fat bloated legs. Even still, the leggings will be useful. They will be extra warm under pants and perhaps even under a long dress. I'm cool with them.

Going down a size when you have only the option of mail order is tricky. Just because you know your current pants are loose doesn't mean the next size down will work for you. My roommate reassured me that even if they didn't fit at first, it was okay because they would fit soon enough. He was right, but I'm still pretty emotionally scarred from years of shit not fitting and hate trying things on.

The leggings did fit, in the manner of leggings. I got into them and they were comfortable, but quite close to my skin. However, as I said, this is the manner of leggings. I wasn't sure if they were an actual indication of how I would handle the other pants given that the cut and style would be different.

Today, the other new pants arrived. I pulled them out of the package and they looked so different from my usual legwear. I went into the bedroom to try them on, armed, again, with assurance from my roommate that if they didn't fit, it was okay.

I tried them on and they fit me. They actually fit me. They were comfortable and reasonably sized and actually really truly honestly fit me. I really have gone down a pants size. I really have changed that much.

This was an important day for me. As I have written before, the idea of the numbers going down instead of up is a new concept for me. I went down a pants size and if I keep in this direction, I will be able to buy clothes in stores, like the normally sized fat people.

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