Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Positive Day

I had my first post-op appointment today. I was pretty nervous about it because my drainage tube has been acting up and causing me problems. He felt it was no more than what normally happens at this point with those (very evil) things and had it taken out. The staples stay in for another week. He said he was pleased with the progress of my healing and actually thought things looked better than he expected them to.

I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to have that damned drain taken out of my arm. That thing has been plaguing me for a week. It would always get hooked on something and pull. The stitch that connected it to my arm hurt constantly, I had to baby it and shield it, which meant that when I was trying to sleep, I'd have to wake up enough to insure it wasn't put in any kind of damaging position.

Because of where it was located, my roommate had to drain it for me. He was cool about this, which was very sweet of him, but it is kind of awkward to have someone else basically removing waste product from your body, even if it is from a tube. I am very grateful for his help with this. We had to keep track of the amount that was drained off and during the days when I was still taking my pain meds, I didn't have many 'keeping track' skills.

When we got home, I took a nap and slept better than I have in days, possibly weeks. It was a deep,hard sleep and it was delicious. I've needed to sleep like that for so long and it's just been in possible. Hopefully, I'll get some more sleep between now and next week when the next round of appointments start back up.

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