Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Spring Days

It's starting to get warm again. Normally I'd be upset about that, but it was cold so long that I've kind of decided to embrace the warmth and be happy about it. I probably won't do that for long, but for now, it's pretty nice. The cats are happy about it too. The cats are slumbering by open windows, enjoying the scents from outside and the sunlight. Aside from the fleas, cats totally love spring.

Well, aside from fleas and storms. A lot of cats don't like the storms very much. Our current grouping isn't too bad about the, but Miss Alice was terrified of storms. She would make the saddest noises whenever we would have nasty weather. Poor kitty. I miss her so much. Even now we talk about her a lot. That's the thing about cats you lose. They stay with you in spirit. As cheesy as that sounds, it's true.

We mostly had a quiet day. We watched the cats and just tried to recover from recent drama. I think the more quiet things can be over the next several days, the better off we'll all be.

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