Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Quiet Day

I need to figure out a way to start focusing again. I fully well intended to blog last night but it just didn't happen. Why? No idea. My brain just didn't allow it. Yesterday was weird though. The heat rose ten degrees and fell that ten degrees in a matter of a few hours. It was pretty rough on me. It was rough on my roommate as well. We spent the rest of the evening feeling rather awful.

Today has been better though. It cooled down a lot and actually had the sense to stay there. We spent most of the day without the roar of the bigger fan. As much as I can get used to the fans, as they begin to be turned off, it's always a comfort. The less noise, the better. That is one of the best things about Fall. Things get more quiet. By this time, you need that. Especially like the summer that I had.

I'm really emotional tonight. I have been for a couple of days now. I did my exercise today and hope that it will help with the pain caused by the exercise the day before. I was aching in places I'd never ached before. Places I didn't even know could ache. That is, of course, all part of the process. I understand the process, but it doesn't make it any easier. Aching hips are still aching hips.

By the way, I would like to invite all of you to do something. If you see someone enjoying something, so long as whatever that something is doesn't harm anyone else, leave them alone about it. If they like music you think is lame or enjoy books you think are stupid, what does it matter? If it brings them happiness, let them have their happiness. As much pain as we all have to feel, why do we insist on mocking others when they find a way to escape that?

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