Sunday, September 21, 2014

Observations on the Escape

I read this article today. It's about a woman who escaped from the Quiverfull movement by finally accepting that her husband (and the teachings of their beliefs) were grounded in systematic oppression of women and children. The article is very good and I suggest you read it. She does a wonderful job of showing how the Quiverfull movement operates within the cycle of abuse, but justifies it with Biblical teachings. I don't want to just repeat everything she says, so I'm just going to make some general observations.

  • Nothing pleases me more than knowing I am the exact opposite of what these men would view as a worthwhile wife. I'm loud. I'm lazy. I'm crass. I'm fat. I'm sarcastic. I hate authority and mistrust anyone who thinks they have better ideas that I do. And yes, I realize that also makes me arrogant. Good. If I can think of other ways I could be unattractive to these men, awesome. OH WAIT! I can't have babies. Even better.
  • This movement functions under the idea that women are corrupt and Satan uses them to lead men astray. I really have no interest in Satan being a part of it, but if it is ever within my power to beguile, breakdown, and destroy a man who is part of this cult, I so totes will do that. I'll do it and grin. I'll dance in his tears. 
  • It's interesting how so many people on the Right accuse everyone else of having an agenda, all the while so publicly pushing their own. Part of the basic tenets of Quiverfullness is to have so many children that you out populate everyone else and can take over by sheer numbers. These people view their babymaking as a war on everyone else. 
  • There is a lot a find creepy about these people, but I think what disturbs me the most is that they view grown, adult women as incapable of rational thinking and adult decisions. They see them as inferior and mentally less than . .  and yet, despite that belief, have no qualms with having sex with them and getting them pregnant. News flash, if you have sex with someone who is mentally on a lower level than you, you are doing something wrong. You have an unfair advantage over them due to your superior mental abilities. As far as I am concerned, either you accept that the women are your equals . . .or you're all agreeing to be rapists. 
And finally, I hope that people keep leaving this movement. I hope that women keep wising up to how horrible this is. I hope men wise up to how horrible this is. I hope the children can fight the brainwashing, isolation, and damage and walk away from this when they're legal to do so. I hope in the end, this is no more than a bunch of lonely narcissists, crying out into the void, wondering why no one talks to them, why no one respects them, and why their quiver is empty. 

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