Friday, September 19, 2014

Days of Rage and Disappointment

Since I found out my doctor wasn't in the office all last week, I did my best to be patient about getting my prescription refilled. As today was Friday, I really felt I'd waited long enough. I called. No script. I decided maybe she would get to it later in the day. I called then. No script.

Oh, before I forget, I'd like to also mention my internet was out today for like 8 hours.  So on the one hand, I didn't have meds because my doctor was so far behind and on the other hand, I couldn't take my mind off of it and vapidly play games online because my internet company refuses to do its job. All of this left me rather ragey.

This ended with me trying my best to be proactive about the situation. I went to my doctor's office to see if I could get my script and just take it to the pharmacy myself. Nope. I was told she had over 500 prescriptions to fill and I would just have to wait. I.........what? Seriously,I'm shocked she even has 500 patients. I felt pretty defeated at this point, but I did have a backup plan.

I called the doctor out of Tulsa who did my surgery. I asked if they could fill my scripts for me. They said they could, though when I called the pharmacy later that afternoon, it still hadn't happened. Then again,  this was last minute. He may have had surgeries all day and it might take him a while to get to my stuff. Still, I bet at the latest it will be Monday and that is probably days before Dr. 500 gets around to helping me.

Anyway, the day has passed. The internet came back (clearly) and that helped a lot. I'm exhausted from all of it though. I bet I sleep quite well tonight, after all this annoyance. That's good though. I need the rest.

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