Monday, September 29, 2014

Doctor Disappointment

My doctor, who was gone from work without warning a couple of weeks back, is still trying to get all of her prescriptions refilled. Not mine. I had my oncologist do mine. It was one less thing I had to worry about today when I went to see her for my first vaginal swab. This was good, because I was just worried about the swab in general. I don't want more cancer. I also didn't want to take my clothes off in front of people. I hoped that my appointment would go smoothly and quickly, so I could go back to the safety of my home.


What I failed to realize is that if you leave work unexpectedly for a week, you have a week's worth of appointments that you have to redo. It will take quite a while to do this and even when you're, say, several weeks past this absence, you will still have a hoard of people in your office, trying to get their stuff handled.

Due to this, I ended up waiting for quite a while to get in to see her. When I finally did, I was instructed to remove my lower clothing and cover up with the paper sheet. Her office was probably like 60 degrees or something, and I was on a table, covered in a sheet, for an hour. AN HOUR! I was freezing and angry and hungry.

I suppose the only good thing about all of this is that I was so exhausted and pissed off that I forgot to be nervous about what was going on. By the time she finally got to me, I told her the stuff I felt I needed to tell her and just let her do what she needed to do. Over all, that part of it didn't last very long. I do kind of wish I could have just done the swab myself. I would have been out so much earlier.

Anyway, we'll see how this goes. I really hope nothing is happening down there. I'm  tired of doctors and cold rooms and naked.

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