Friday, September 26, 2014

Expressing Gratitude

I guess it was a couple of weeks ago when I was reading an article about how to compliment the people in your life. Instead of just saying "You're pretty," it is far better to be specific about your praise, especially if it can be framed in such a way that demonstrates something the other person actually did instead of something they just are. "I love what you did with your hair." "I really enjoy the way you match colors for your outfits." This way, the person accepts the compliment as sincere (which you should always mean anyway) because it isn't some vague platitude.

I think this can also be said when showing gratitude to someone. Mind you, saying 'thank you' is always good, but it can become rather habitual and lose meaning if you do it often. When you live with someone, work with someone, or have them in your life for an extended period of time, I believe it is important to make sure they know you don't take them for granted. People deserve to be appreciated, especially the ones who make your life easier.

For example, if someone cooks for you, thank them for the meal. Compliment what they did. "I really liked your choice of side veggies." "I think the way you spice this dish is wonderful." It lets them know that you are really paying attention to what they did. It also has the side benefit of letting them know what you like.

Oh, and before anyone gets suspicious about this, I'm not trying to hint about myself here. I feel valued. In fact, after I clean the litter box, one of the cats always comes and nuzzles on me. Only the one though. The other bitches could care less.

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