Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Ending

So the plumbers didn't come today. I think this is part of the theme of "no one shows up or does anything on time no matter how much we need it" week. At least waiting for the plumber didn't involve me being naked from the waist down. Usually you're only naked and waiting for the plumber in porn.

I was in some pain today from the stuff I had to do yesterday. I know it will disappear, but it wasn't fun. We're edging out of September and I'm really hoping it will begin to cool down. The fact that I'm still running three fans in my room is rather annoying. I'm still wearing shorts too. This is also annoying. Get cold, dammit.

Ebola has some to the US and got more press than the Beatles coming to the US. My various medical professional friends made commentary about this. No one seems that worried about it. I'll refer back to this post if we have mass dying on the streets in a few months. No, seriously, I know they're right. Our health care system, as much as we complain about it, is quite well equipped to deal with this.

After being in several hospitals over the first part of the year, I'm really pretty impressed with how organized they are. I still think the most impressive bit of organization was when I had the pic line put in my arm. Those people were so amazingly efficient. Had I not been so panicky and in so much pain, I would have really been in awe of how well they worked.

Anyway, that was my day . . . hot, full of waiting, and lots of news over Ebola. May the plumber come, may it cool down, and may we all retain our health.

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