Saturday, January 31, 2015

January Leaves Us

It's the last day of January and for the first time in two years, nothing scary or horrible happened during this month. Yay! This is such a good thing. I was starting to believe this month was cursed for me. It's so awesome not to have scary money stuff or scary health stuff happen! It's also great that I didn't snap a mouse trap on my finger. That also happened during a January.

Instead, I got to spend this month being brave. I was presented with times when I could opt to do the thing I usually do and stay in my little cocoon of comfort or I could do the thing that was risky for me and maybe change things. I have tried my best to opt for the changes. We'll see what comes of them. I am fully well aware that maybe only bad things will come, but at least I'm trying to be bold.

In a way, I think I have the last two Januaries to thank for this. During the last two years, I was forced to do a lot of things I did not want to do. I was often scared and searching for answers on how to get out of the state of scared. I had to go places like hospitals and talk to people with needles. I endured events that were quite nightmarish. And while I'm still, in many ways, pretty messed up about all of that, I also somehow happened to survive it.

Given that I did, I think maybe it's made me a tab bit more brave. After all, most of the time, my life choices aren't going to involve surgeries, cancer, or people sticking sharp objects inside me. And if I can survive those things, I can surely survive whatever opportunities are presented to  me. "They may not have a comfortable chair" is far less of a problem than "they may not find a usable vein for two hours." Last year really put a lot of things into perspective for me.

So I'm leaving this month with a feeling of empowerment. Will stuff come up? Yes. Maybe even some terrifying stuff. At the same time, I've survived scary stuff before. Surely I can do it again.

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