Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Birthday Eve

In the end, I just couldn't make peace with Wonky the Unicorn. He'll become one of our holiday decorations and the prototype of what I can maybe do to make the whole unicorn thing better. I'm not throwing him away or dismantling him. He has an interesting little personality. I just don't think he's meant for anyone save his creatrix.

We did holiday stuff with my dad tonight. It was fun. I got the stuff I asked for, which means I can start organizing my part of the house into something more functional. I also got some more makeup and stuff to rub on my skin. It all smells good, but some of it is pretty intense. Still, nice to have.

So 41 is winding down. I think I did pretty well this year. I tried the bravery thing and found some success with it. Certain patterns in my life have changed. I also had to find a new doctor and learn to be more willing to drive myself places.

In some ways, I know I regressed. I've been really depressed at times. During the spring and summer, I let my eating and spending get out of hand. Things have gotten better since then, but I need to stay on top of things. Overall though, it was a good year and certainly better than the year before.

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