Friday, May 18, 2018

Bit by Bit

I think one of the most glorious things in life is falling in love all over again with an album. It's why I believe when it comes to your favorite albums, you develop a relationship with them as much as you would with a person. Music can provide companionship in times when people just can't. I've used music to help me mourn the passing of loved ones, help me awaken new aspects of myself, and, you know, sometimes just to chill out.

Recently, a song on an album that I have loved since high school has been playing through my head. It was never my favorite song, though I knew it was a genius song. It was part of a sequence of my favorite part of the album, so I would always listen to it, but it was never a treasure the way other tracks were. It seems that now that song is demanding my love and attention. It won't leave my brain. To that end, I've been listening to it a lot and letting it do what it needs to do.

I have no idea why this is happening, but I'm glad it is.

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